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The rising our puppies

1. Week

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Futter der Mutter  

Die Welpen befinden sich in unserem Schlafzimmer, die Wurfbox steht direkt neben unserem Bett. Die gesamte Wohnung ist für die Mutter frei zugänglich, sofern diese das Nest kurz  verlassen möchte.

Neurosensorische Stimulation nach Puppy Culture ab Lebenstag 2 für eine erhöhte Stressresistenz und Ausbildung von koordinativen Fähigkeiten sowie des Geruchssinns. Dies beinhaltet: taktiler Reiz durch Wattestäbchen an den Pfoten, Berührungsreize durch Hochnehmen und Lagerung in verschiedenen Positionen, Temperaturreiz durch ein kaltes Tuch, auf dem der Welpe platziert wird sowie Geruchsreiz durch verschiedene Geruchsproben wie Zimt oder Kurkuma. Alle Übungen werden nur wenige Sekunden pro Welpe durchgeführt. 


gliches Wiegen morgens und abends zur engmaschigen Gewichtskontrolle. 

Frischfleisch von VOM Puppy und Irish Pure Puppy, Royal Canin Puppy Starter Mousse, 1x täglich Calcium Frubiase Ampulle, 2 Scheiben Käse und Quark oder Ziegenmilch/Royal Canin ProTech unters Futter sowie Himbeerblättertee (CD Vet Gebursmischung) und Rinderkraftbrühe 1x täglich 500ml. 3x täglich Arnica D3, 10 Tropfen Metrovetsan, weitere Homoöpathie je nach Hündin & Geburtsablauf

2. Week








Futter der Mutter  

Nach etwa 2 Wochen ziehen die Welpen in das Wurfzimmer. Die Mutter hat weiterhin Zugang zur ganzen Wohnung, sowie dem ganzen Garten, die Welpen befinden sich noch hauptsächlich in der Wurfkiste und starten mit ersten Laufübungen.

Neurosensorische Stimulation nach Puppy Culture bis zur Augenöffnung, ungefähr bis Tag 12-14. Sofern wir nicht vorher schon mit Markierbändchen gearbeitet haben, lernen sie Halsbänder kennen sowie das Krallenschneiden.  1x täglich setzen wir jeweils einen Welpen in den späteren Spielbereich des Auslaufs, wo der Welpe erstmal auf verschiedene Untergründe trifft wie PVC, Vetbeds und eine gehäkelte Decke sowie Inkontinenzunterlagen. Auch die kurzzeitige Trennung der Geschwister ist eine neue Situation. Nach spätestens 90 Sekunden wird der Welpe zurück in die Wurfkiste gesetzt. 



Wiegen 1x täglich abends zur Gewichtskontrolle. Die erste Entwurmung mit Drontal Puppy wird an Tag 14 nach Geburt durchgeführt.


Frischfleisch von VOM Puppy und Irish Pure Puppy, Royal Canin Puppy Starter Mousse, 2x täglich Calcium Frubiase Ampulle, 2 Scheiben Käse und Quark oder Ziegenmilch/Royal Canin ProTech unters Futter sowie Himbeerblättertee (CD Vet Gebursmischung). 3x täglich Arnica D3, 10 Tropfen Metrovetsan, weitere Homoöpathie je nach Hündin & Geburtsablauf

3. Week









Futter der Mutter  

In der 3. Woche (Tag 14-21) fangen die Welpen an miteinander zu spielen. Langsam wird die Wurfkiste zu eng, und wir öffnen einen Teilbereich des Welpenauslaufes. Hier lernen sie, ihr erstes Hindernis zu überwinden, nämlich die Klappe der Wurfkiste, die sie übersteigen müssen, um in den erweiterten Bereich zu kommen, der mit Vetbeds und Inkontinenzunterlagen ausgelegt ist.

Wir starten das Stubenreinheitstraining mittels einer Rasentoilette, auf die wir jeden Welpen setzen, der muss, oder gerade sein Geschäft erledigt hat. So lernen sie relativ schnell, an einen bestimmten Ort zu gehen und sauber zu werden in Kombination mit der Prägung auf Gras. Sie lernen das erste Futter kennen, nämlich Rindertartar gemixt mit Ziegenmilch oder RC Puppy ProTech aus einem Welpenring. Ebenso füttern wir gegen Ende der 3. Lebenswoche Rindertartar aus der Hand, so lernen die Welpen bereits vorsichtig etwas aus der Hand zu fressen und bauen Bindung zum Menschen auf durch dieses positive Erlebnis. Später gibt es Royal Canin Starter Mousse.

Wiegen 1x täglich abends zur Gewichtskontrolle. 


Frischfleisch von VOM Puppy und Royal Canin Puppy Starter Medium, 2x täglich Calcium Frubiase Ampulle, 2 Scheiben Käse und Quark oder Ziegenmilch/Royal Canin ProTech unters Futter sowie Himbeerblättertee (CD Vet Gebursmischung). 3x täglich Arnica D3, 10 Tropfen Metrovetsan, weitere Homoöpathie je nach Hündin & Geburtsablauf

4. Week








Mommy Food


Puppy Food

In the 4th week (Day 21-28), things start to get more active. The puppies are already walking, biting, and playing a slow-motion version of catch, with many reactions still being delayed. The puppy play area is slightly expanded, giving them about half to three-quarters of the entire play area. There is also a box in the puppy room that all of them can use. In good weather, we already take the puppies outside for about 20-30 minutes, where they can explore the garden peacefully with their mother.

Housebreaking training is further emphasized. We practice touching them all over, examining their teeth, drying their paws, and stroking their fur with a towel, all while providing lots of cuddles. In the middle of the 4th week, usually, the first visits from strangers and potential puppy buyers occur. They come to select their 2-3 favorites from which the new family member will be chosen later, together with us. This is their first experience with human contact. We consider the way they experience this to be very important, so we provide clear instructions before and during the visit to ensure that the puppies don't have a negative experience.

They are weighed once daily in the evening for weight control. The 2nd deworming is done with Drontal Puppy or Panacur Paste.

VOM Puppy and Royal Canin Puppy Starter Medium. Calcium Frubiase ampoule twice daily and Arnica D3 three times daily, along with 10 drops of Metrovetsan.

They are given Royal Canin Starter Mousse and Royal Canin Puppy Starter Medium.

5. Week







Mommy Food

Puppy Food 

In the 5th week of life (Day 28-35), the "serious" part of life begins for the puppies. They have the entire whelping area to themselves and are allowed to venture into the entire living area with their mother under our supervision a few times a day. Here, they play and frolic to their heart's content, and of course, they try to chew on everything. Depending on the weather, they are taken outside to the puppy play area for hours, where they can observe the other adults.

Exercises related to grooming are deepened, including the use of towels, brushes, spray, etc. The puppies receive their first bath during this week and get acquainted with the hairdryer. This is often met with protest from the puppies, but with patience, love, and skill, along with tasty treats and cuddles, they quickly learn to stay calm. The puppies learn both the language of dogs and humans. They engage in initial exercises like Manding, which involves being attentive and responsive to humans, as well as hand targeting and sitting. They are also introduced to the beginnings of recall training with positive reinforcement. Starting from the 5th week, each puppy is individually fed while incorporating exercises to build frustration tolerance, such as finding their way to the food bowl or waiting before eating. They also begin to meet each member of the pack one by one (of course, only under our strict supervision).

They are weighed once daily in the evening for weight control.

VOM Puppy and Royal Canin Puppy Starter Medium. They receive a Calcium Frubiase ampoule once daily, Arnica D3 three times daily, and 10 drops of Metrovetsan.


They are also provided with Royal Canin Puppy Starter Medium and VOM Puppy food.

6. Week








Mommy food

Puppy food

In the 6th week of life (Day 35-42), things really start to get going. The puppies are mainly outside and have plenty of room to romp and play. In addition to various surfaces like sand, gravel, concrete, pavement, grass, wood, and dirt, they get to know slanted and wobbly surfaces.

Previous exercises are further deepened. The puppies are allowed to play and frolic under the supervision of several pack members, and they continue to learn the language of dogs. Their motor skills continue to develop rapidly. The first leash training is on the agenda, as well as the first coordination training with sensory mats and the front target, along with clicker training if desired.

A first mini-walk across the meadows in our area is scheduled, where they are still free to follow their mother and us.

They are weighed once daily in the evening for weight control. The third deworming with MilPro is administered.

 VOM Puppy and Royal Canin Puppy Starter Medium. Calcium Frubiase ampoule once daily, Arnica D3 three times daily, and 10 drops of Metrovetsan.

They are given Royal Canin Puppy Starter Medium and VOM Puppy, along with their first hard chew items.

7. Week

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Mommy food

Puppy food

The 7th week of life is also primarily spent outdoors. Individual puppies are brought into the house for "individual coaching" from time to time.

Previous exercises are further deepened. The puppies are allowed to play and romp under controlled conditions with the entire pack. Short walks in the forest are done on a leash, and they practice car rides in the nearby residential area. Individual coordination training continues with balance boards and other specific exercises that focus on hindquarter perception and general body control. Depending on the weather, a dog pool is set up in the garden. The puppies are bathed 2 or 3 times and then dried.


They are weighed once daily in the evening for weight control.


VOM Puppy and Royal Canin Puppy Starter Medium. Additionally, they receive one Calcium Frubiase ampoule daily, three times daily Arnica D3, and 10 drops of Metrovetsan.

They are  provided with VOM Puppy, Royal Canin Puppy, or GranataPet Natural Taste Puppy food, along with chew items.

8. Week








Mommy food

Puppy food

The 8th week of life is also mainly spent outdoors. Individual puppies are brought into the house for "individual coaching" from time to time.

Previous exercises are further deepened. The puppies are allowed to play and romp under controlled conditions with several pack members, continuing to learn the language of dogs. Short walks of 10-30 minutes are still conducted several times a week, with 2-4 puppies on each walk. The first basic immunization (SHPPiL4) with microchipping and the issuance of an EU pet passport at the veterinarian's office is planned, along with the first longer car ride. The next 2-3 days will be a bit quieter. Afterward, initial visits to the hardware store, pet supply store, cities, or kindergarten are carried out. Only 2-4 puppies are taken on these outings to provide individual and positive care. At the end of the 8th week or the beginning of the 9th week, the breeding supervisor from the DCNH comes to us to perform the litter evaluation.

They are weighed once daily in the evening for weight control. The fourth and final deworming with MilPro should occur at least a few days before vaccination.

VOM Active with salmon + Royal Canin Energy 4200


long with VOM Puppy, Royal Canin Puppy, or Granata Pet Natural Taste Puppy, and chew items. Gastrointestinal health is supported with Provicell Pro EM San Pet, Präbioma Pet, and Pro Mucosa.

9-12. Week





Puppy Food

It continues to focus on human attention, socialization with other dogs and people. Regular walks in the forest and the city, as well as ongoing coordination training, are conducted. The puppies are bathed once more just before they are handed over.

The puppies are ready to be rehomed starting from the 9th week of life, depending on the individual puppy and their new home. They are never all given away at once.

They are weighed once daily in the evening for weight control. The fourth and final deworming with MilPro should occur at least a few days before vaccination.

Feeding them VOM Puppy and Royal Canin Puppy or Granata Pet Natural Taste Puppy, along with chew items, helps with intestinal health. Provicell Pro EM San Pet, Präbioma Pet, and Pro Mucosa are used for gastrointestinal support.



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